Sold at Monopoly

In addition to the Standard rules A few additional tips are still quite helpful when playing Monopoly, especially when it comes to interest rates. Sales at Monopoly also play a major role in this.

Building shortages at Monopoly:

As soon as the bank has no more buildings, all players who are ready to build must wait until a player demolishes a building and gives it back to the bank. Neither is it possible to return a hotel to the bank if there aren’t enough houses to replace it.

If there are more interested parties for buildings than there are houses, they will be auctioned off to the highest bidder. The minimum bid is at monopoly represents the price printed on the cards.

Sale of real estate:

Sales of undeveloped property (Electricity and water works, train stations) is possible at any time. However, the game should be paused during the auction.

However, as long as there are buildings on a property, it is not possible to sell it. This means that these must first be sold to the bank. Only then does Monopoly enable street trading. Houses and hotels can be sold at any time. However, they can only be sold to the bank. However, they need to be sold just as evenly as they are purchased. With Monopoly 1 hotel counts for 5 houses. If necessary, hotels can be sold to the bank at half price. In addition, you get 4 houses. Properties that are encumbered by a mortgage can only be sold to other players and not to the bank.

Taking out mortgages:

If a player in a Monopoly game gets into financial difficulties due to lack of money, he can get fresh capital by mortgaging his property. However, homes and hotels do not provide a foundation on which to take out a mortgage. With Monopoly, all buildings on a street must first be sold before you can take out a mortgage. This means that capital can be raised by selling houses before the mortgage is taken. The amount of the mortgage for a piece of land is printed on the back of the respective card. The interest rate is 10% and is due when the mortgage is repaid. When selling encumbered property, the buyer can pay the mortgage immediately, but does not have to.

In any case, he has to pay the 10% interest immediately with Monopoly and when he finally agrees to repay it he has to pay an additional 10% interest if this happens late. However, at Monopoly, encumbered land remains in the possession of the borrower and cannot be bought by other players by paying off the mortgage. In order to be able to build on the property again, the mortgage including the 10% interest must be repaid and the house bought at full price. Collecting rent is not allowed on encumbered properties. However, a Monopoly player can collect rent for other properties in this color group.

Bankruptcy / Bankruptcy:

A player who no longer makes his payments despite all funding (house sale and mortgage) has to hand over everything he has to his creditors and is eliminated from the game. At Monopoly, the player must immediately pay the 10% interest in the event that a mortgage is due on one of the properties transferred. He can pay the loan, if he does not do it immediately, a further 10% interest is due. If a player at Monopoly is no longer able to pay his taxes and fines to the bank, then all his belongings will be transferred to the bank. The bank then auctions this according to the Monopoly regulate to the highest bidder. Buildings are exempt from this Monopoly rule. The “You are coming out of prison” card is put back in the deck.

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