Drinking games for two

Drinking games for two are rather rare. Most drinking games involve large groups. But what if you feel like doing something at home just for two with your partner or a friend? We’ll show you a few drinking games that are great for playing with two people.

Drinking games for two Instructions & rules

Of course, drinking games are a lot of fun and fits of laughter are guaranteed. We would like to point out once again that the consumption of alcohol with a high percentage is only permitted from the age of 18. Please take care of yourself and your fellow players, because this is the only way to make drinking games for two really fun.

Game sequence for different drinking games for two:

We hope you enjoy the following selection of drinking games for two people.

Who am I?


Post-it or beer mat and tape, pen


Agree whether you want to guess a real or a fictional person. Then write one on the piece of paper and stick it to the forehead of your teammate. Now you can take turns guessing and asking questions. Every time you say no, you drink. It’s best to fill small shot glasses with beer, as you have to drink very often. Only when the term is guessed is the game over and a new term can be found.

Drinking sport in the truest sense of the word


TV with soccer or ice hockey game, piece of paper, pen, pot and schnapps


All players standing on the field or ice are noted on an extra piece of paper and thrown into a pot. Both players now each draw a name from the pot. And whenever this player is mentioned in the game, you have to have a quick drink.

Blowing cards, drinking games for two

Card games for two


Beer bottle, deck of cards and brandy


A skat sheet is placed on the neck of a beer bottle. Now both players take turns blowing the card from the neck of the beer bottle. If you have blown down more than one card, you have to drink a schnapps. If all cards have been accidentally blown down, you drink another schnapps. A time limit can also be set so that it does not take too long to blow for each person.

Card drinking games for two


Card game, shot glasses and beer


Each card from the game is revealed individually. The players now take turns guessing whether the next card is lower or higher than the previous card. If you guess wrong, you have to drink a shot glass filled with beer.

Vodka in the bowl


Two bowls of vodka and two apples


Everyone is given a bowl of vodka and an apple in it. Keep your hands clasped behind your back. Who will be the first to catch his apple with his teeth and bite it? Instead of an apple, you can just use 10-20 grapes.

Spinning top drinking


2 brooms and 2 glasses filled with beer (0.5L)


Place the broom with the bristles on the floor and clasp the end of the style with your fist. Now put your forehead on your fist and turn around the set up broom twenty times without letting go. Then drop the broom, jump over it and then empty your beer glass on ex. This goes on for several rounds, hold on as long as you can.

Throwing coins


Coin and 2 glasses or mugs filled with alcohol


Put the mug filled with alcohol in front of you and try to take turns hitting the other’s mug with a clean coin. Before doing this, the coin should hit the table once before it falls into the cup. If the throw is successful, the opponent has to drink his cup and fill it again.

Speed drinking


Beer and shot glasses


Opposite are 10 shot glasses filled with beer. Now it’s time to drink as quickly as possible. It starts at the outer ends. The winner is whoever arrives in the middle first. For this, the loser has to drink three more glasses on ex.

More drinking games for two

Trinkspiele 2 Personen

Alko races

Persons: 2

Material: Well-filled beer glasses

Rules: You set a marked route and each player is given a well-filled beer glass. With this you try to get to the goal as quickly as possible. The difficulty is drinking the glass empty while running. If a player has something left in his glass when he crosses the finish line, then he has to drink another glass on ex.

Outdoor drinking games for two

Persons: 2

Material: garbage bags or tarpaulin, adhesive tape, water, washing-up liquid and plastic bottles with alcohol (250ml beer)

Rules: Glue the garbage bags or tarpaulin together to form a slide that is at least ten meters long. This web is then covered with water and detergent. The plastic beer bottles are set up in a pyramid shape at the end of the track. Now everyone takes turns sliding across the slippery track, trying to catch two bottles from the pyramid and knock over the rest. If that didn’t work, you have to empty one bottle.

Stair rally

Persons: 2

Material: Many cups filled with alcohol

Rules: On each step, a mug filled with alcohol is placed on the right and left. The players now have to empty their mug as quickly as possible. Everyone is only allowed to go further when he has emptied his cup on the current step. The winner is whoever has drunk all of his cups first. The loser has to drink another cup as a punishment.

Drink with numbers

Persons: 2

Material: note, pen, dice and alcohol

Rules: Draw a table with five columns on the piece of paper. Now the dice are rolled one after the other. You decide in which column you enter your number. If you have filled all five columns with numbers, the one with the higher number wins. The loser drinks his cup on ex.

Full or empty drinking games for two

Persons: 2

Material: two dice, 6 shot glasses and alcohol

Rules: There are six shot glasses filled with alcohol in front of you. These glasses are numbered from 1 to 6. Now you take turns rolling the dice. Everyone drinks the glass that he threw empty. If the glass is already empty, this player can determine what is to be filled, etc.

I pack my suitcase and take with me …

Persons: 2

Material: alcohol

Rules: You probably know the child’s play. I pack my suitcase and take it with me … The items that are taken with me have to be repeated and new ones added. If one of the players does not get any further, he has to empty a cup on ex. Then a new round starts.

Who is wearing the hat?

Persons: 2

Material: TV, cap and alcohol

Rules: You took a hat out of the closet and put it over any corner of the TV. Whenever a person from the film has their hat on, they have to drink.

Mug Hit ( Beer Pong )

Persons: 2

Material: table tennis table, table tennis racket, table tennis balls and two cups

Rules: Everyone puts their empty cup in the middle of their table. Now you play table tennis and try to hit the opponent’s cup so that it falls over. If this succeeds, the opponent has to exen another cup filled with alcohol. However, if you accidentally knock your own cup over, you have to drink yourself.

ABC … drink!

Persons: 2

Material: alcohol

Rules: Concentration is required here. A player begins and says, for example, cup deposit. The next one then says pawn shop etc. That means you always have to take the last word of the compound word and use it to form a new one. If a player does not have a word in a certain time, he has to drink.

Conclusion: Drinking games for two can also be really fun. You don’t always have to drink in a group and thus fall victim to peer pressure. But even with all drinking games for two, everything should be enjoyed in moderation. Alcohol is highly addictive and you should always know your limit.

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