10 online casinos without verification & video identification

The Video-Ident procedure has been used in all online casinos with a German license since summer 2021. However, there are also casinos without verification via video identification. In the list below you will find 10 top online casinos without video verification, all of which have an EU license.

10 online casinos without video verification

The VideoIdent procedure

casino without verification

Many players gamble in online casinos without verification. There are certainly reasons why video identification is not popular and why many people bypass this form of verification by logging into online casinos with an EU license. In casinos with a German license you can no longer avoid online verification via video chat. Here you are automatically forwarded to the video identification during registration.

But what exactly is Video Ident about? We want to discuss it in more detail below.

No game without verification

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Without verification with video it is no longer possible to play in German online casinos. The KYC Video-Ident procedure is a procedure in which you have to have your identity confirmed online. For the online verification, a valid identity card or passport is required, which is valid for at least 3 months, better longer. On the basis of this identification document, your personal data for the online casino will be compared with the information you have provided and recorded in full.

Video chat is necessary so that the photo in your ID card can be matched with your face. You have to hold the passport photo next to your face in the camera so that the person opposite can determine whether you really are you. A different hairstyle or different glasses can make this comparison difficult. There must also be good lighting conditions so that identification can take place smoothly.

The internet connection must also be stable and the browser as up-to-date as possible. You also need a device that is even able to transmit a live video to the Internet. You only have to or should follow the instructions of the employees of the verification company, which does not turn out to be easy for everyone. Older people in particular have a problem with following the instructions because they do not understand them exactly.

This verification process is said to be the easiest way to confirm an identity. However, given how long such identification can take for some, we dare to doubt it. It is rarely done in five minutes. Sometimes you even need a second or even a third attempt.

Play in the online casino without verification

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Ultimately, the verification of your security and that of the online casino serves. But if you want to save yourself the procedure with the video-ident process, you should opt for an online casino with an EU license, because there you can play via live cam without verification. That does not mean that the verification is completely omitted here, but at least it is easier to do here.

In order to legitimize a withdrawal in an EU casino, the operator only needs a copy of the player’s ID or passport for verification. This can be scanned in and sent to the online casino as proof by email. Sometimes you will be asked for a current invoice, which you can use to confirm your registration address. But here, too, a scan of a phone bill or gas bill is sufficient, which can also be transmitted via the mail account.

Some online casinos also offer an upload function within the contact form. Then you can even save yourself the mail and simply upload the files there. In any case, you do not have to do video identification in these online casinos. Especially not at the beginning, before you’ve even made a deposit.

You can read here that online casinos with an EU license, apart from the fact that they can do without verification using a video chat, have a number of other advantages.

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